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iPrice Group report offers insights on daily e-commerce activity in the Philippines and Southeast. Statistically, you stand a better chance for success if you have some sort of strategic ask in almost everything that you do — in-person, on the phone, over email, or on social media.
Think about it: If you make one additional ask per day and convert at around 10 percent. Then you have three people each month providing you with benefits that you’d have missed otherwise It’s essential to make sure that your ask relates to some direct path to what you want.
“Dreams and dedication are powerful combination.”
This strategy uses the Ben Franklin Effect: When people do you a favor, they are more likely to do another. When you meet someone you yourself might be able to assist, ask for their help and, at the same time (e.g. in the same conversation) offer yours. And make a point to be of service even if others might not be able to help you immediately.

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